Friday, September 23, 2011

Interview Analysis

I interview one of my friends, Chris, and I asked him questions that concerned how the founding fathers would of liked our current government role and questions that involved the use and significance of the Constitution.  I first asked him if he thought that the founding fathers would like the way we interpreted the Constitution and he responded that they would be satisfied because he feels that they made the document purposely vague so that future generation can come up with solutions on their own. I then went on to ask questions about the workings and possible policies of the government and he felt that the government was not working to the best of his capacity, he feels that the "polarization" between the Republicans and the Democrats has crippled the government to a state of pure ineffectiveness and that the two parties should compromise more with each other to reach a conclusion to a problem. Once he shared how he felt about the politics of the government I asked if he thought that the checks and balances system works when Congress is able to agree to a bill and he responded with yes, he felt that every act made by a government branch was carefully scrutinized and observed by the remaining two. In conclusion Chris felt that parts of the Constitution needed to be clarified and that political parties needed to put aside differences and learn how to compromise with each other, but he also felt that the checks and balances system the founding fathers created works well among the different branches of the government. 

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