Sunday, September 11, 2011

Important Political Issues

I have always found the history of American politics as an interesting and amazing process, but I must admit that I don't know as much about current issues as I would like to.  However, in my opinion the two most important issues that our government faces are the economy and the War on Terror. 
 The economy is one of the most important issues because its state dictates how Americans run their daily lives, and its state also greatly decides how many jobs are made available to the public. The economy goes through cycles and we have caught it at one of its many down slopes, but in my opinion with certain government legislature we can quicken its recovery.  It took many government programs and World War II to get America out of the Great Depression, but with the current recession we are in we should employ different strategies to get us out of the financial slump.  The economy is important to me because soon I will in the work force and if the situation doesn't improve then it will be a lot harder to find a good job. 
The War on Terror in my opinion is the second most important issue within the government because the nation's security is a high priority and without a feeling of calm the government can expect some dissatisfaction within the general public. The War on Terror is important to me because I have relatives that fought in the war and they believe, a long with me that we are helping the current situation and improving the security of the nation.    

1 comment:

  1. I agree that those are both important issues. The economy is certainly at a low point and it seems difficult to get out. I personally think that Obama's latest plan to help with unemployment is a good answer. It involves reforming (but not reducing too much) the tax code and regulations, which providing incentives for businesses to hire people. In order to prevent another recession, we need to have long-term solutions as well, like keeping investors from making bad decisions that eventually bring the economy crashing down. How do you think we should fix the economy?

    On the War on Terror, I think that this is a very difficult "war" to win. Unlike some recent action in Libya, there is no terror-center that we can get rid of. Many of these belligerent organizations are just networks of angry people. Kill a leader and they make a new one. While it is important to defend ourselves (and I greatly respect your relatives who fight for what they believe in), it is equally important to attempt to have peaceful solutions with those who dislike us. We need to treat the underlying causes of terrorism, not just stop the violent symptoms of it.
