Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Roe v. Wade

1.  The right to privacy was one of the big factors that went into whether it is legal for a women to get an abortion.
2.  The state has to have regulations for abortions.
3.  Viability is usually placed at 7 months.
4.  In the beginning abortions were very hazardous for women.
5.   The laws concerning abortion has been argued that it was the product of a Victorian social concern that discouraged illicit sexual conduct.
6.  Others argue that another human life is involved and therefore shouldn't be done.
7.  It is stated that the privacy ruling is not absolute.
8.  Some women may not be psychologically ready to care for a baby.
9.  The 14th Amendment is often referenced when dealing with abortion rights
10.  The right to privacy is never mentioned in the Constitution, but over the years the courts have decided that certain acts of privacy are addressed in the Constitution. 

1.  Since the court ruled on it, why doesn't the individual states take jurisdiction over the matter and decide whether it is legal or not. 
2.  Does a right to privacy give a good defense to allow abortions?
3.  Should the government have stricter regulations on abortion?
4.  When exactly did the controversy over abortions begin?
5.  Would a new amendment be the only way to finalize abortions legality or does the court's decision sufficient enough?

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