Thursday, November 10, 2011

Open Secrets Response

Pat Toomey: 
Net Worth: $1,770,062 to $4,900,999
Assets: 44 totaling $2,020,062 to $5,001,000
Liabilities: 1 totaling $100,001 to $250,000
Income: 5 totaling $186,807

Bob Casey Jr.
Net Worth: From $160,020 to $578,000
Rank: 84th in Senate
Assets: 14 totaling $160,020 to $578,000

What Does This Matter?

I agree that a politician's assets should be made clear to the public, but I disagree with full disclosure on all of their assets because in my opinion politicians also have the right to some privacy and that they shouldn't be obligated to reveal all of their assets.  I also disagree with putting all of this information online I personally believe that records should be mainly kept on hand written paper.  Over time these documents should be released electronically, but I still think that paper data is more important than having only electronic copies. 

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