Friday, November 11, 2011

Electoral College

1.  Corbett and Pileggi raised a plan to get rid of Pennsylvania's electoral college system and implement a new one distributing the votes to the districts.
2.  The new districts have left the Republican held districts less competitive.
3.  Nebraska and Maine are the other two states that have this system. 
4.  Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus, says that he is lobbying against this plan. 
5.  Nebraska's Republicans are looking to switching back to the old system of winner takes all. 
6.  The conservative media have argued against this plan. 
7.  Obama would have to win a majority in Philadelphia to take the votes. 
8.  Charlie Dent, Jim Gerlach, Mike Fitzpatrick, and Pat Meehan have opposed it. 
9.  They would like the new system in place for the 2012 elections. 
10.  State legislators who are on the ballot with these congressmen in 2012 may be at risk. 

1.  Is it right for political parties to change voting procedure on trying to make their party more powerful?
2.  Should a law be passed regulating the electoral system nationwide?
3.  Is the new system more chaotic and confusing than the original? 
4.  How has this system worked in Nebraska and Maine?
5.  Is the new system worth going through the confusion of replacing the old one? 

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