Thursday, December 8, 2011

Electoral College Article

1.  In 2000 about 2% of ballots were not counted as votes
2.  They feel it is undemocratic
3.  Federal judges are not elected
4.  The framers did not foresee modern political parties
5.  The winner take all system is the candidate with the most votes in a state wins that state's electoral votes
6.  Even a system with no political parties would not be good
7. The choice of the president doesn't include the right person, but what party they are associated with
8.  Popular vote by the state determines the electors
9.  An elector is required to choose the candidate that selected them
10.  The electoral system was put in place so educated people would choose the best president for the people

1.  What are some reforms that could take place to help the electoral system?
2.  Would the popular vote be a better way to choose the president?
3.  Do political parties damage the system?
4.  Should more strong political parties be made to help the system?
5.  Is the electoral system out of date? 

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