Tuesday, January 17, 2012


1.  Rosen says that the GPS case could be the most important privacy case of the decade.
2.  Google has been pressured by the U.S government to remove terrorist videos form Youtube.
3.  No amendments give clear answers for the questions of today.
4.  The digital world creates an opportunity to invade our privacy.
5.  Judge Douglas Ginsburg states that there is a difference between short term and long term surveillance.
6. The Constitution cannot regulate social media.
7.  Jeffery Rosen is a professor at George Washington University.
8.  We have to assume that we are being monitored 24/7.
9.  Germany has greater concern for collecting data than the U.S
10.  The PATRIOT Act expanded the amount of surveillance.

1.  How can the government keep track of online sources without invading privacy?
2.  Should the government block certain things online?
3.  Is it right for governments to pressure companies like Google to remove certain content?
4.  Will a new amendment need to be added to address the Internet?
5.  Does the Internet need to be censored like TV or radio?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Political Cartoon #7

Are the Republicans wishing they had a different Candidate?
Is Romney too moderate for the Republican Party?
Would a moderate nominee stand a better chance in winning than having a conservative one?

Monday, January 9, 2012

New York Times Budget Puzzle

I have solved the budget. 
46% Savings from tax increases
54%Savings from spending cuts
$627 billion
$1,826 billion

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Issue of the Week: Defense

1.  Should Congress cut defense spending?
2.  How much would a cut affect the military?
3.  Will a cut help recover the economy? 

Third Parties

1.  58% of Americans believe we need a third major party
2.  Democrats feel that a third party could threaten President Obama's election campaign
3.  Both parties are owned by corporate interests
4.  Obama betrayed public campaign finance
5.  Wall Street was Obama's major source of contributions
6.  Has been said that the role of third parties is to "sting like a bee and then die"
7.  Nation serves corporations
8.  Nation has been coasting since World War II
9.  Will a third party bring the other two parties from the far extremes of their parties?
10.  Will a third party eventually find itself in the same predicament as the Democrats and the Republicans? 

Political cartoon #6

1.  Do you think that it is a good thing that the Pentagon is having spending cuts?
2.  Do you think this will help the economy recover?
3.  Do you consider this a victory for those in Congress who supported the spending cuts or do you think this will not be taken seriously?

Truths about the American Political System

1.  Third parties are not considered competitive against Democrats and Republicans. -
2.  Candidates have to appeal to the extremes of their parties if they want to win nomination. -
3.  It is difficult of win an election over a sitting president.  0
4.  Political parties believe in many different ideas to appeal to a lot of people. +
5.  Bureaucracy helps the government in certain activities.  +
6.  Campaign ads use more sound bites then before.  -
7.  Candidates focus on some states more than others.  -
8.  People do not vote due to not knowing enough information. -
9.  The executive branch sometimes knows more about foreign affairs than Congress. -
10.  We have a checks and balance system. +
11. The size of the House cannot become any bigger even though population has been growing. 0
12.  The executive branch has become more powerful over the years. -
13. Office holders focus on winning reelection than on issues.  -
14.  Congress members vote on party lines.  -
15. Some candidates can raise more money than their opponent, giving them an advantage. -
16. Media plays a big part of what information is presented to the public. -
17. It is hard for legislation to pass because there is usually a divided government. -
18. Most media shows bias toward one party or the other. -
19. Politicians may sometimes be influenced by lobbyists.-
20. Interest groups have an influence over the government. -

Constituent Letter

Dear Senator Toomey,
My name is Alex Ramos and I am a senior at Haverford High School, I am also studying AP Government.  I would like to show my support for S. CON. RES. 13 because I feel that it is the least thing the nation can do to show support and honor the members of the Armed Forces.  I have several family members that have served in several branches of the military and my family supports and thanks them for all of their distinguished service, I feel that the entire nation should also honor our men and women who made sacrifices to serve our nation.  This is an important bill in my opinion because our nation has had a history of sometimes forgetting or underestimating the sacrifice and courage that our soldiers have shown, it can be traced as far back to the War of 1812.  This war has been nearly forgotten, but this negligence to history should not be because there were men and women who made sacrifices and they should be honored for their sacrifices.  Another more recent war that plagued its honorable veterans was the Vietnam War, at the time there were acts by some Americans that showed disrespect for those soldiers.  Thankfully those soldiers today are showed more respect, but that respect should never of been taken away from them in the first place.  This is why S. CON. RES. 13 is a necessary bill so that we can show our brave men and women that the nation will support them no matter what the cost. Thank you for listening to my opinion on the matter and hopefully the bill will be passed. 

Alex Ramos

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Republican Party

1.  Believe that they can achieve peace through strength
2.  They believe in common sense health reforms that preserve quality
3.  Believe in energy independence. 
4.  Believe in maintaining a world class primary and secondary education system.
5.  They believe in a free market economy
6.  Republicans believe that judges in the court systems should interpret the law and not create it from the bench.
7.  Party started around the time of the Civil War
8.  Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. 
9.  People who were against slavery joined the party.
10.  The elephant symbol was created in 1874.
11.  Abolition and women suffrage were a belief in the party
12.  Try to fight for individuals rights. 
13.  Believe in small government. 
14.  Believe in federalism
15.  Believe the people make the best descisions.